Dear Brady,
Today is your 5th birthday. I can't believe it either! I went back and checked your birth certificate to make sure it said "2007," and it did. Then, because math is not my strong subject, I counted on my fingers to 2012. The result: you are in fact 5 years old today. It went by so fast. And apparently, it means that I'm just "Mom" now -- no "Mommy" for you anymore.
Man, I have just loved the past year with you. I think we've finally reconnected. I had NO idea how hard it would be to try to keep our lives together. I missed you. Not to say we didn't have our moments, but for the most part, you've been sweet, kind to your sisters, helpful, and oh-so-lovable. One day when you read this, you may not remember that you had an articulation disorder and were in speech therapy for months and months. But because of that, you were a late, unconfident talker. Well, no more! You are a chatterbox. From the moment you wake up until the moment you (finally) fall asleep, you are observing, asking, telling, cajoling, storytelling, and fact checking. (You also whine sometimes. But I love you anyway.)
And you are FUNNY. (I would like to think it comes from the Jewish side, but really, your dad is the funny one in the family.) You tell jokes, you recognize silliness, you dance all crazy and make funny faces. You seek out humor. You do pratfalls to make your sisters laugh. (Well, maybe that IS your Jewish vaudeville side.)
You want me to lay down with you at night until you fall asleep. The books tell parents not to do this, but I say screw the books. In a few years, you won't want me to do this, and I will miss it immensely.
You love superheroes, dinosaurs, Hot Wheels cars (but not Matchbox, for some reason), Legos, and playing with your older friends in the neighborhood. Your perfect day would be spent at a park with climbing walls. Your favorite foods are quesadillas with sour cream and salsa, hot dogs, cheese puffs, olives, and chocolate. THIS is your favorite song right now:
You are the best big brother I could ever ask to have birthed. You want to come with me to wake up your sisters, and my God, they are thrilled to see you. You teach them about the world. You protect them. You help me with them in a million different ways.
I think back to your birth 5 years ago, and I realize what a long road we've traveled together. I'm not always as kind, patient, or involved as I'd like to be, but I always love you more than life itself. I hope one day, maybe when you have kids of your own, you'll look back and realize that I WANTED to play pirate ship with you all morning, but I had to get everybody ready for school, and we were already late. I WANTED to hang out and watch dinosaur movies all day, but I had to get dinner ready, or clean up the mess from lunch, or do laundry. It wasn't because I wouldn't rather have snuggled with you all day on the couch.
So all of this to say, I am so lucky, so fortunate, so blessed to have you for a son. I am so proud of you every day. I watch you grow and mature, and learn to be the person you've yet to become, and I can't wait to see who that is.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
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