Making Slemonade

Fall 2013

Fall 2013
The Best Medicine

Friday, June 11, 2010


Whew! It's been quite a few weeks. The girls are now 8 weeks old and have been home nearly 5 weeks. Brady has adjusted to being a big brother-- now his tantrums are related to being 3, rather than to all the huge changes in his life. Potty training is coming along. We're down to 2 diapers a day for him, which does nothing to offset the 20+ diapers a day for the girls. Bayla's diaper rash, which began in the NICU, is continuing to stump us. We've been to the dermatologist and are trying several medications and treatments to finally do away with it. It's awful, just awful. I've been hopping around from doctor's appt to doctor's appt trying to keep these girls checked out and healthy, Shawn's been working and helping hold down the fort, Brady's been in camp, the girls have been maturing, all we're an all-around chaotic family!
Brady is almost always very sweet with his sisters, bringing them pacis when they cry (often with dirty hands, oh well), helping me diaper or feed them, and giving hugs and kisses. He also is testing his limits by poking his sisters or touching their faces, which he isn't allowed to do. At least he's not hurting them!
There's just always something to do! One of the 3 kids (or all 3 at the same time!) is always in need of something, there's bottles to clean and prepare, breast milk to pump, incessant laundry to do, a household to keep relatively clean and orderly, and a life to keep up. We're exhausted!
Overall we've been enjoying the girls a heck of a lot. Except when one or the other of them won't go back to sleep after their middle of the night feed. We have gone to feeding them every 4 hrs (instead of 3) at night, and that helps with sleep a bit.
On a happy note, June 12 is our 5th anniversary. If you'd have told us 5 years ago that we'd have 3 kids by now, you would have gotten a huge laugh. Funny how life works out. I wouldn't change it for the world. I would consider swapping something for a full night's sleep though. :)
Speaking of.... time to pump, then give a "top-off" feed to the girls, then I'll have a couple hours to rest before it's time to feed again. Then it's Shawn's shift. :)
More updates and photos soon! (teasers: Superman Brady using the potty, Bayla blissful in the swing)

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