Making Slemonade

Fall 2013

Fall 2013
The Best Medicine

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The real countdown is on

Today I'm 32 weeks, 5 days! And we only have 9 days to go until we meet our girls. Only 9 days! To break it down for you the way I'm thinking about it, that means, at the time I'm writing this, I have:
-2 more ultrasounds
-13 more baby and contraction monitoring sessions
-31 more insulin shots
-30 more finger pokes
-About 12 more nights away from my husband, son, and dog (assuming all goes well)

It's exciting! I'm just so so ready to be back to my life. I asked Brady if I can give him baths, read him books, and tuck him in for night night, and he said, "No. Daddy does that." Ouch. But we'll reconnect, I'll bribe him with ice cream, and all will be well. Then his sisters will come home... ;)

We had another ultrasound today, and everything looked great. Baby A had a decent amount of fluid, so that was good news. Baby B is doing fantastic as always. Interestingly, Baby B seems to be everywhere at once-- she's head down, she kinda curves around the middle of my belly, and her legs and feet are on my left side, above her sister. When she gets going, my entire abdomen just goes completely nuts. Baby A is much more reserved. It will be incredibly interesting to see if they retain these personalities. I bet they will, and if so, let me just say this: we are in so much trouble!

But anyway, that's all the news. Tomorrow we'll be counting down from 8 days. More updates soon!


  1. Wooohoooo!! Single digits! (At least for the BIG number... I bet you'll be glad to be down to single digits for the finger pokes and shots, too!) You're in my thoughts and prayers.
