Making Slemonade

Fall 2013

Fall 2013
The Best Medicine

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, Feb,. 22

Happy Monday! I've now been in the hospital for 4 weeks. Gheesh.

It was a pretty uneventful weekend, except I had to start on insulin shots. My blood sugar is just a little high in the morning and after dinner (although not all the the time), and they've found that tight control over blood sugar levels leads to fewer problems with the babies. I'm on board for fewer problems. There is an oral medication that would have avoided the insulin, but I have a drug allergy that prevented me from taking it. SO-- straight to the insulin. Once the doctor told me I'd have to go on the insulin, I had my first big breakdown since we were told I'd have to go on bed rest.

It's not that I have to go on insulin-- again, on board with controlling my blood sugar -- it's the fact that I am SO TIRED of being poked and prodded, monitored and evaluated. I should install a freaking revolving door to make it easier for everyone who has to come in and out of my room 1,000 times a day. I miss my husband and son, I miss my life, I miss walking around, and I miss having any control over what's going on with me (including managing what I eat-- it's hard to keep your blood sugar down when the dietitian-approved snacks include white bagels). It's very frustrating, and it's very difficult. The first few weeks I was here, there was so much anxiety about whether or not the babies would be born, but it's dragging on and on, and my personality patterns are coming back. (This is disappointing mainly for my husband, who most certainly enjoyed a more laid-back Becky.)

When you're pregnant, your body is leased out for about 10 months, and this is just kind of making it all tougher. When people say to me that they'd like to have twins, I'm going to show them the hospital bills and this blog. Don't mistake any of this venting and think that I'm not grateful the girls are still cooking, but this is an incredibly difficult experience and a lot to ask of anyone.

On a happier note, Bonnie came up this weekend to help, and Shawn and I got to have a date night here in my hospital room while she watched Brady. Not the most romantic locale, but at least we got to enjoy a yummy dinner and a movie together. We are so thankful for Bonnie and everything she's done to help us out.

We are also continually grateful for our neighbors, who are providing meals for Shawn and Brady a few times a week. It really helps them out, and it truly gives me peace of mind to know that things are a little easier for them. If you'd like to provide a meal for them, visit (id 32090; sec code 3540). Our immediate neighbor Stephanie Runge is coordinating everything, and we can't thank her enough.

So that's all the news. We have another ultrasound tomorrow, and I'll report back with the results. More updates soon!


  1. Dude, Shawn is eating better than I am! I'm going to forget about bringing him food and start bringing you food -- or at least better snacks. Tell 'em to get some extra shots of insulin ready. :)

  2. Dearest Becky, I can honestly say I feel your frustration, fear, and sense of being overwhelmed. I just said to Jenn I wished I lived closer so I could help out. Bonnie sounds wonderful. Just wanted you to know I think about you and remember all of you in my prayers.

  3. Aww Becky *hugs* I am so sorry you're feeling that way and I hope real hard that things get much better soon. I want twins but ummm...maybe not :-). I'm still down for babysitting. Seriously. Oh it's Busola, btw. And yes, I've been blogging. Tehehehee...sneaky, I know.

  4. Hey Becky,
    Reading your post brings back so many memories! It's amazing how your experience is mirroring mine so much! I cried like a baby one day when the poor tech kept poking me looking for a good vein. I threw a big stink at the hospital for not helping me with the diabetes diet and not offering healthier food for someone with my condition. The head of nutrition confirmed that they knew there was a problem and were addressing it- guess not after five years! As I told you, I ended up eating Chef Salad everyday with a side of whole wheat bread (brought from home) and I think whole wheat graham crackers for snack (also from home). Just hang in there!! Once you have those little girls home, believe me, you will be pining for your lazy, bedrest days! Try to relax and keep your mind on other things besides focusing on your situation. We'd be happy to watch Brady anytime Shawn needs help!
